Anandeshwar mandir is located at a distance of 25km from Akola

Anandeshwar mandir is located at a distance of 25km from Akola

Anandeshwar mandir is located at a distance of 25km from Akola


Anandeshwar mandir is located at a distance of 25km from Akola, Maharashtra in Lasur village of Daryapur taluka, Amravati district.

This temple seems to be of Hemadpanthi style where rocks of different sizes are stuck in one another such that it holds the entire structure. This temple is त्रिदल meaning that it has three गाभारे (sanctum). सभामंडप (hall) of this temple is open and its termed as स्वर्गमंडप.

This unique open roof structure can be seen in very very few places and it becomes one the prime reason to visit here.


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